N-APP System

Your life story is too AMAZING to not tell the world! The N-APP SYSTEM will give your life the SHINE you deserve! LETS’S GO!


Thank you for taking the time for out of your busy lives to view this important information. HOW EXCITED WE are to have this opportunity to display our AI SYSTEM our N-APP SYSTEM.  And that my friend that is why I turned to Kickstarter as my FIRST option of funding. y? Because crowdfunding allows EVERYONE with the same interest and like minded people bring the future to a reality. After years of tragic events to miracles events, like most people we feel like MY LIFE WOULD MAKE A BEST SELLER. I thought that way and not only was unprepared to wrote about my life, I also DID NOT HAVE TIME.  So I started to research different writing and publishing apps that might could help me with Mind blockage or Time it would take to write a book.  The next thing I did might amaze you.  I took  computer information technology classes, learning the basics of the hardware and software of a computer. (building my own computer) Then I got in touch with Tara Reed, watched  a few seminars via zoom, about coding and non-coding.  After researching other apps, I know what I wanted my app to do , and what makes my N-APP SYSTEM head and shoulders above other apps. The AI technology! AND THATS WHAT  I’m looking to fund. 

The AI will take random words, regardless of grammatical spelling or grammatical correct sentences. Place key words in a format chosen by AI from the type profession, age, and vision.  Example: A doctor doesn’t use the same word play as a lawyer.  The purpose of this app would be for the mind to flow freely without the mental block of running out of words or just not enough time in a day or two.  After this AI is funded and complete, I will be integrating the AI in computer I’m working to build. from there myself and 2 other people will be chosen to be the first to use this system. 

My goal once completed is to use the N-APP SYSTEM to write a 500 page book in 3 months. Which will be the first of a trilogy. FALLEN ANGELS.  Not only would this AI help me but, best thing of all is would help other people like me. Whos life experiences are just as unique as the individuals we are. 

Risks and challenges

The great thing about this project is there is little risk factor with a high success rate given the technology age in which we are living. One factor that might be an issue is the testing period before actual use. Which could take up to 4-6 weeks before the AI will be effective for all users.

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